毛泽东诗词精华 汉英葡 (Gems of Mao Zedong's Poems in Chinese,English and Portuguese)

毛泽东诗词精华 汉英葡 (Gems of Mao Zedong's Poems in Chinese,English and Portuguese)

Paperback (20 Aug 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Gems of Mao Zedong's Poems in Chinese,English and Portuguese selects 43 poems by Mao Zedong and presents before the readers with three languages. This is another translation of Mao Zedong's poems in the Western world, and is also a collaborative effort between the English and Portuguese translators. The English translator proposes five translation propositions and translates them with the rhyme principle of "pleasing to the eyes, pleasing to the ears, pleasing to the mouth, and pleasing to the mind" to reproduce as much as possible the sound and rhythm of the original poems.

《毛泽东诗词精华 汉英葡》精选了43首毛泽东创作的诗词,以英语和葡萄牙语呈现,是毛泽东诗词在西方世界传播的又一译本,也是英语译者和葡语译者合作的翻译力作。英译者提出五种翻译主张,并以""视之悦目,听之悦耳,读之上口,思之入心"用韵原则翻译,尽可能地再现原诗的音韵风貌。


近年来,出版多部译著,主要包括《毛泽东诗词精选 汉英对照读本》《乐府诗英译研究》《藏族格言诗英译》《国王修身论》英译、《水树格言》英译、《格丹格言》英译、《萨迦格言》英译、仓央嘉措诗歌英译,发表相关文章若干篇,翻译彭斯诗歌500余首。





Book information

ISBN: 9781683723837
Publisher: Dixie W Publishing Corporation
Imprint: Dixie W Publishing Corporation
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 312
Weight: 499g
Height: 244mm
Width: 170mm
Spine width: 17mm