7 Money Rules for Life¬

7 Money Rules for Life¬ How to Take Control of Your Financial Future

Paperback (20 Dec 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Americans young and old are flunking their finances. A shocking 77 percent live paycheck to paycheck with no savings. And 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, while 49 percent could cover less than one month's expenses if they lost their income. In the face of this bleak financial picture, bestselling author and finance expert Mary Hunt offers 7 Money Rules for Life¬. This no-nonsense and encouraging book gives readers the keys to get their money under control and get prepared financially for the rest of their lives. In her warm and engaging style, Hunt takes everything that she's learned over the past twenty years and boils it all down. Presented in a conversational style and readable in a weekend, this book offers applications for each of the seven rules as well as practical advice for how to recover from past financial mistakes. These simple, unchanging, basic rules work in every financial situation, for every income level, and for every stage of life.Money mastery isn't really that hard. 7 Money Rules for Life¬ can help readers change their futures from uncertain to rock-solid with principles they can apply right away.

Book information

ISBN: 9780800722531
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
Imprint: Revell
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 202
Weight: 286g
Height: 140mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 18mm