Brenda and Effie Forever! - Brenda and Effie Mysteries


Paperback (10 Oct 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Brenda and Effie have made a brief escape from Whitby and are whooping it up on the continent. A brief encounter with a Parisian Phantom and his hunchbacked boyfriend sends the pair hurrying back to the North Yorkshire coast, where they have a whole new set of menaces to contend with. Here come the ineffable forces of darkness! Vengeful vampires! The long-dead Bronte sisters! And… a Panda!

Book information

ISBN: 9781913525101
Publisher: Snowbooks
Imprint: Snowbooks
Pub date:
Edition: Reprint
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 432
Weight: 300g
Height: 129mm
Width: 198mm
Spine width: 29mm