Hardback (28 Sep 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Entering the intimacy of the alternative Parisian scene, CHARBON portrays a new generation of artists: authors, photographers, illustrators, performers, musicians, poets. CHARBON is also a movie directed by Elora Thevenet. Kahl Editions, in collaboration with the Black New Black collective, gathered no fewer than 50 participants, all of whom play a role in shaping the creative singularity of Paris: Tristan Boisvert, Guillaume de Sardes, Hannibal Volkoff, Massimiliano Mocchia di Coggiola, Aumaury Bergoin, Leila Chik, Igor Dewe, Alcibiade Cohen, Régina Demina, Paul Franco, Juliette Seydoux, Maison Métamose, Marie Beltrami, Elsa Bres, Tiphaine Samoyault, Tom de Peyret, Michael Pecot-Kleiner, Léonie Pernet, Erwan Le Gal, Chill Okubo, Cuco Cuca, Sina Araghi, Simon Thiébaut, Ludovic Azémar, Alexandre Bavard, Jacob Khrist, Emmanuel Mousset, Florent Mateo, Uèle Lamore, Guillaume Héry, Ariel Boreinstein, Georges Human, Emma Burlet, Garance Marillier, Claude-Emmanuelle Gajan-Maull, Gabrielle Smith, Julien Boudet, Alex Housset.

Book information

ISBN: 9780995761148
Publisher: KAHL Editions
Imprint: KAHL Editions
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 300
Weight: 1358g
Height: 225mm
Width: 318mm
Spine width: 44mm