One Hundred Years of Old Man Sage: An Arapaho Life

One Hundred Years of Old Man Sage: An Arapaho Life - Studies in the Anthropology of North American Indians

Paperback (01 Mar 2003)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Sherman Sage (ca. 1844-1943) was an unforgettable Arapaho man who witnessed profound change in his community and was one of the last to see the Plains black with buffalo. As a young warrior, Sage defended his band many times, raided enemy camps, saw the first houses go up in Denver, was present at Fort Laramie for the signing of the 1868 treaty, and witnessed Crazy Horse's surrender. Later, he visited the Ghost Dance prophet Wovoka and became a link in the spread of the Ghost Dance religion to other Plains Indian tribes. As an elder, Old Man Sage was a respected, vigorous leader, walking miles to visit friends and family even in his nineties. One of the most interviewed Native Americans in the Old West, Sage was a wellspring of information for both Arapahos and outsiders about older tribal customs. 
Anthropologist Jeffrey D. Anderson gathered information about Sage's long life from archives, interviews, recollections, and published sources and has here woven it into a compelling biography. We see different sides of Sage-how he followed a traditional Arapaho life path; what he learned about the Rocky Mountains and Plains; what he saw and did as outsiders invaded the Arapahos' homeland in the nineteenth century; how he adjusted, survived, and guided other Arapahos during the early reservation years; and how his legacy lives on today. The remembrances of Old Man Sage's relatives and descendants of friends make apparent that his vision and guidance were not limited to his lifetime but remain vital today in the Northern Arapaho tribe.

Book information

ISBN: 9780803222403
Publisher: Nebraska Paperback
Imprint: University of Nebraska Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 140
Weight: 255g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 9mm