The Star in the Mirror

The Star in the Mirror

Paperback (08 Feb 2018)

  • $18.84
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Publisher's Synopsis

'Nobody likes a tattletale' is a classic lesson many of us learned at a young age. Yet, we find ourselves in an era where criminals testify against other criminals on a regular basis, and those who cooperate (or snitch) first are granted what is tantamount to receiving a 'get out of jail free' card. In this story, we highlight the consequences for acts of betrayal! We learn that everyone isn't who they say they are, nor are they always the same person they were the day before. Anybody Could Be Touched was a mere introduction, a prelude ... but this, this is the Grand Finale! Take your time and analyze the facts! Only then will you begin to see ... only then will you begin to realize ... and only then will you be able to fully understand the enigma ... The Star in the Mirror!

Book information

ISBN: 9780985330323
Publisher: John Bowens
Imprint: John Bowens
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 336
Weight: 390g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 18mm